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Trends in Luxury Watch Collecting: One Isn’t Enough

Trends in Luxury Watch Collecting: One Isn’t Enough

The techies may say wristwatches are dead; that hasn’t fazed luxury-timepiece collectors, though! A recent New York Times article reported that everyone from police officers to society’s elite are going into luxury watch collecting, and they don’t stop with just one watch.

Men of all professions and incomes are becoming captivated with the artistry and historic refinement of horology.

Typically, the collection will begin with a classic piece inherited or gifted from a loved one. The collector falls in love with the art, craftsmanship and beauty of the timepieces. He expands his collection to include masterpieces from the most reputable names in watchmaking – L.Leroy, Audemars Piguet, Franc Vila, de Grisogono.

“You have watches you wear and watches you love but don’t wear,” said Hampton Carney, a 43-year-old watch collector who lives in Manhattan. Many luxury watch collectors will have a collection that includes anywhere from five or six timepieces, up to dozens and even a few hundred!

“Guys look at their watches as many as 30 times a day,” says Michael L. Friedman, official historian for the 140-year-old Swiss watchmaker Audemars Piguet. “They are not looking at them to tell time.”

The best watches will increase in value over time, and make a good investment, but one of the most captivating aspect to luxury watch collecting is the art and beauty of the piece. These watches are masterpieces that can be worn. Not only that – watches are one of the few pieces of jewelry that is socially acceptable for men to wear, and outstanding luxury timepieces make a real statement of fashion, status, and taste. said it right: “An expensive  timepiece is more than just a commodity – it is an expression of enjoyment of the finer things in life; like vintage wine or a tailor made suit.”

Start your collection today, with one of the incredible timepieces exclusively available on

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