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Leroy & Other Luxury Watch Brands Have a History of Excellence

Leroy & Other Luxury Watch Brands Have a History of Excellence

For luxury watch brands like Leroy, fashion and craftsmanship stand the test of time. In a New York Times article last month, it was noted how radically history can play in to revive brand names in contemporary fashion.

“History is an asset because it makes a brand name recognizable and gives it an air of legitimacy,” said watch expert Osvaldo Patrizzi.

Leroy, in particular, has been making exceptional luxury watches for more than 200 years, since its founding in 1785. Throughout these many decades of fashion changes and innovations in watchmaking, The House of Leroy has maintained its status as a premier watchmaking brand.

Although the Leroy name experienced a big setback in recognition in the 1980s, when the last founding member of the family passed without descendants and the quartz revolution was devastating the industry for traditional watch crafters, it has survived. Today, Leroy is re-building its reputable name in the realm of remarkable luxury timepieces – due in no small part to its history of excellence and heritage of mastery of horology.

According to the New York Times article, “Leroy’s heritage can be traced in its preserved archives and a wealth of vintage models. Many are now in museums … One, the Leroy 01 — made in 1901 — was the world’s most complicated timepiece until 1989, when it was dethroned by Patek Philippe’s Caliber 89. It is now in the Musée du Temps in Besançon, eastern France.”

The watchmaking brand of Leroy is completely founded on its dedication to quality and their masterful craftsmanship when it comes to making high-end timepieces.

Here at JZandF, we look forward to the innovations and historical ties in Leroy’s watch creations to come. To browse our collection of classic Leroy timepieces, click here. Stay tuned for more exceptional luxury watches from the incomparable brand of Leroy, which will be added to our online store very soon.

Featured photo source. Charles Leroy signed travel clock with alarm, dated 1788 and owned by Marie-Antoinette. Credit: Michel Villars, Leroy & CIE.

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