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Debunking the Myths About Luxury Fountain Pens

Debunking the Myths About Luxury Fountain Pens

An expensive fountain pen can be a functional accessory as well as a beautiful work of art. From end to nib, luxury fountain pens offer a distinct elegance and sophistication for use as well as display. However, some will avoid these magnificent writing instruments because of misconceptions they have about their functionality. To give these pieces the attention they deserve, we are debunking the myths about luxury fountain pens.

Myth: Fountain pens leak. Just like with any other kind of pen, a leaky fountain pen is a broken pen. A fountain pen is no more leaky than a ballpoint, but if it does leak, there will probably be more of a mess. An extension of this myth is that fountain pens leak in airplanes, which is partially true because the cabin pressure changes can expand the air in your pen. A simple way to avoid the mess this can cause is to have either a completely full or empty pen when you travel.

Myth: Only use the manufacturer’s ink. Actually, you can use any brand of fountain pen ink. Although different ink will flow differently, the manufacturer’s ink isn’t necessarily going to bring about optimal performance.

Myth: Practice is required to write with a fountain pen. In fact, writing with a fountain pen is only slightly different from writing with any other kind of pen. A good rule of thumb is to avoid pressing too hard (merely touching the nib of the pen to paper is ideal), and keep the shiny side of the nib facing upward.

Myth: Blotters are necessary. As long as you aren’t applying too much pressure as you write (this actually harms the pen), you shouldn’t need a blotter with daily use pens. Heavy feeding, broad nib pens may require the use of a blotter, and left-handed writers may also want to keep a blotter on hand, however fountain pen ink actually dries pretty quickly.

Myth: Nibs mold to your style, so don’t share. The writing part of the nib is hard metal, and as long as it is smooth and undamaged, it should write well for anyone. If you write very differently, you may notice more scratchy writing as the nib polishes its iridium, but it will smooth with time.

On, we are pleased to offer a wonderful selection of luxury fountain pens from notable brands including Montegrappa and Omas. Click here to browse through these incredible writing instruments.


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